Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Awesome Cake Pop Book Giveaway!

Not sure if you're aware of Bakerella or her fabulous Cake pops, but check out the link below for a chance to win her new book!

I'm entering, are you??

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Something Essential, something free, something easy to do!

So, I get asked a lot about baking and what's hard to do in the kitchen, what's easy and well...lots of other questions!

But, here's something basic, necessary and only a phone call away! Get your oven calibrated! Have you ever put cookies in the oven on 350 degrees, for the amount of time you're supposed to cook them AND they come out burnt :( Nothing smells sadder than burnt cookies! Often our ovens get hotter and hotter and we have to adjust the temperature as we cook! So frustrating!

Here's how to fix it, call the gas company (if you have a gas stove) and tell them you want to schedule an appointment to get your oven calibrated. They'll come out about a week after you call, and they'll be at your house for about 30-45 minutes.

The gas company isn't going to fix your oven's temperature, they just set your dial to read the new hotter temperature, does that make sense?? The only way to actually fix your oven's temperature is to call a service company to come and install a new thermometer in your oven...and that is expensive!

Calibrating your oven is an easy, quick fix that will help you bake at the right temperature. No more burnt cookies, uneven cakes, or other baking debacles! The guy who calibrated my oven let me know that my oven was cooking 40 degrees hotter than normal! Yikes!

I hope that helps you just a smidge in your kitchen!

Happy Baking!


P.S. YES! That's my oven! No double, triple professional oven for me! It's still on my wish list :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I made this cake to celebrate Karissa's very first birthday! I think the candyland theme is so cute and innocent!

All of the lollipops, gumdrops and candy were made from fondant! Everything is totally edible!

What's your party theme? I know I can create something awesome for your next party!



Monday, September 6, 2010

Back to School, Cookie Inspired Sampler!!

Hello Sugar Society!

All the kids are back and school so let's celebrate with some Cookie Inspired Cupcakes!

Pick Up - Saturday, September 11th from 10am-1pm. Flavors Included are....

1. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough - Vanilla buttercake mixed with chocolate chips and frosted with cookie dough icing! It's just as good as licking the bowl! (No raw eggs are in the frosting!)

2. Snickerdoodle - Vanilla nutmeg cupcake dipped in butter and rolled in cinnamon and sugar! Always a hit!

3. White Chocolate Macadamia Nut - White chocolate cake with chocolate frosting covered with freshly chopped Macadamia nuts! Sure to be your new favorite!

4. Oreo - My number one selling cupcake! Vanilla cake with with Oreo pieces and topped with buttercream frosting and more Oreo pieces!

5. Thin Mint - Chocolate cupcake with mint icing...sure to remind you of your favorite Girl Scout Cookie!!

Cost - $20

What do you get? - 1 dozen Cupcakes, 2-3 cupcakes in each flavor

Substitutions? Sorry, no substitutions on my samplers...not keen on the flavors? Then email me with your favorite flavor and I'll try to add it next time!

Where do I pick up? - My place! I'll email you my address once you confirm your order :)

If you're interested RSVP by Wednesday, September 8th! RSVP by email only to and let me know what time you'll be stopping by, and a contact number!