Monday, August 24, 2009

A Doggy Cake!

I got a phone call from a gal I used to work with who was throwing a party for her little pooch and she wanted me to make a dog friendly cake! I thought it was such a fun idea and was excited to work on it! I made the cake with no sugar or artificial flavors and it had ingredients like beef jerky and meaty baby food! I "frosted" it with peanut butter and beggin' strips! It smelled awful while baking! But I hope the little pup loved it!

I also made some cupcakes for human consumption, so everyone could enjoy Winston's first birthday!

Boy was it a busy weekend! No rest for the weary though...I have a wedding this weekend and a 1st birthday party for my friend's son, Aidan and a baby shower on Wednesday...yikes! I need a nap already!

Have a great week everyone!!

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